by darkgreenblogger in Pallet houses with No Comments
The forester Mario Alberto Retana Tapia has had the opportunity to help poor families with various small houses build with wooden pallets . Mario began denouncing the exploitation that the great forests suffers today, and the unfortunate natural heritage that we’re going to leave to our grandchildren. Recycling the wood could be one of the solutions to this problem.
Mario has done several projects in Mexico where wooden pallets has been used as structural elements for building tiny houses, for people who don’t have any resources and have found this solution very helpful. 60 houses have been built in different indigenous communities which are in extreme poverty.
Mario says :
” One of the biggest problems that faces our society is to not have decent housing, of good quality and low cost …… if we recycle some materials such as the refused pallets, that no longer serve to the industrial companys, we can self-construct our house in a few days . ”
” The pallets were created to support heavy loads so they are very useful when used as structural elements, and also they are very easy to assemble and transport. Wood pallets have physical qualities damping and elasticity , helping it to withstand seismic effects , addition to their thermal, acoustic and insulating characteristics. ”
” These buildings are economical because no special foundation or structural steel is used, only the ground is filled with inert materials (gravel , sand, hardpan or similar) and concrete is used to build the foundations, for the reason that the wooden structure transmits a very little weight compared to other structural materials . ”
” The wall structure is formed with support frames and pallets that are simply connected and which will form the faces, these are anchored to the floor to avoid problems with the high winds . ”
” The outer walls are protected with insulating recycled cardboard, and over this the chicken wire, and then covered with a mixture of cement, lime and sand … this is done to avoid moisture , the insects and rodents entrance, and possible fires, finally they will be painted with a mixture of lime, water, salt, and aloe or cactus leaves …….. The mixture of the above works as a sealant and then it may be coated with any paint or textured finish .
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